hello dear anon. below are some links to my substack posts and recent useful projects. you may be specifically interested in twitter-circle and semantweet-search. i plan to add some links to semi-technical blog posts here.

Recent (Technical)

[Learnings from codeQA - Part 1](https://sankalp1999.notion.site/Learnings-from-codeQA-Part-1-5eb12ceb948040789d0a0aca1ac23329)

Learnings from codeQA - Part 2


Random Musings | Sankalp | Substack

popular posts

"I think about this often" - Part 1

An Exploration into Envy, Jealousy and Comparison

A Guide to the Bird App

Recent Projects

Handpicked by Haiku

git repo

Handpicked by Haiku for You is a flask app that generates personalized recommendations and visualizations based on user input. It leverages the knowledge base of Claude Haiku to provide the recommendations based on the user's taste and then generate structured text output that can be rendered as diagrams.

Twitter Circle

A tool to visualize your Twitter network and direct messaging history