hello dear anon. below are some links to my substack posts and recent useful projects. you may be specifically interested in twitter-circle and semantweet-search. i plan to add some links to semi-technical blog posts here.

Recent (Technical)

[Learnings from codeQA - Part 1](https://sankalp1999.notion.site/Learnings-from-codeQA-Part-1-5eb12ceb948040789d0a0aca1ac23329)

Learnings from codeQA - Part 2


Random Musings | Sankalp | Substack

Recently started posting some small essays on bear blog

Just keep doing the bit (Karma Yoga Edition)

popular substack posts

"I think about this often" - Part 1

An Exploration into Envy, Jealousy and Comparison

A Guide to the Bird App

Recent Projects

Handpicked by Haiku

git repo